Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The beaver dam effectively blocks the flow.

Curry's cooking!

We have been doing a fair bit of rehearsing today, we only have 10 days left before we have to record. It's sounding pretty good, I wish I had Monica's guitar back so I could plug in and get some volume. As it is single note stuff is a bit hard to hear so I play harder which throws my timing and tone off and is not the best way to practice. Oh well.

Now I'm playing guitar full time I'm looking forward to going into the shop and buying little pedals for it. I'm planning to fit another pick-up to the guitar and have a seperate output for it so that I can have different effects on each one. Not too much, but enough to broaden the sound and give some extra interest and colour.

The other plan is to get a smaller bass drum for gigs, or a floor tom attached to a special stand that lets it be played as a bass drum. Until we learn how to drive we'll have to be carrying a lot of stuff around, so anything that saves on weight and size whilst still sounding good is a bonus. Now I just have to work out where the cash to pay for all this will come from. Maybe I should start mugging carol singers?

Wrote another song today, very simple but layered in such way that it builds and changes style as it goes. The plan is to have it as the first song in the set and capture people's attention by drawing them closer. It's kind of like a "meet the band" piece since every instrument comes in seperately until everything is playing together by the end. For two people that might not sound like much but we have bass, then 1 vocal, then some percussion, then another vocal, then bass drum and finally guitar so it's more than you might at first expect.

My curry sense is tingling so that means I have to stop writing this now. I am so hungry I could almost eat half as much as Morriston Burns can. I'm not lying!



Anonymous said...

Knickers, kanackers, knockers. Les Dawson (circa 1975).

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I typed kanackers instead of knackers. Kanackers is, of course, a local prog band fronted partially by Maria von Singletone who used to go out with Chris Woodmanwoman (Bob Dylan's rejected stool and other bands).

Mr Frictionless said...

Bum, tit, willy. Victoria Wood (circa 1988).

Ardbeg D-H said...

Bum, willy, jobbies! Billy Connolly (circa 1972-2005).

Anonymous said...

Eine Volk, eine Reich, eine Fuhrer (Adolf Hitler, circa 1933)

Mr Frictionless said...

3, 2, 1. Ted Rogers (circa 1978 to 1987)