Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Who's afraid of playing golf? Playing golf. Playing golf. Who's afraid of playing golf?

It is nearly time. We have been rehearsing so very very much these past three weeks. Everything is finally in place and I have stopped making anymore changes. The song has gained some new parts that I am very pleased with and I think that it is probably one of the best pieces I have ever written. The limitations imposed by having so few instruments have really focussed our minds and the fact that I do not have to communicate what I want but can just do it the way I want it done really frees the music to go where it wants to go. So tomorrow in the studio should be a liberating experience.

That said I have to get to the music shop before 9.30 to get some more strings since I broke one at 5.20 this evening and could not get to the shops in time. Typical isn't it? An early night beckons, sleep tight everyone. Pleasant dreams.


Ardbeg D-H said...

Good luck - I look forward to hearing the results!

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to hear the results almost first and I have a free CD to prove it!!

Car Crash sounds great in its stripped down format, except that it isn't really stripped down. Although the drums and that bloke on chainsaw have been removed the whole thing is brimful of ideas and neat little bits that make it more complete. There is a lovely "Laurie Anderson" style backing vocal that acts as a really nice driving sub-rhythm and Frickvox guitar sounds great; choppy for the choppy bits and full for the full the full bits. Frickbass sounds very good and there is a nice interplay with the guitar. In general you get a great pop song with quirky enough touches to make it stand out. I thought the vocals were very assured and, although I would not dare to imagine that I may have been an influence (except that I probably am - for I have , of course, set the bench mark for the perfect lyric), the lyrics are particularly good; un-trite reader response and highly imaginative.

I have no critical points to raise because it is very, very good.

I think that people who know the band will be surprised when they realise that Frickman sound bigger than four as two. If you see what I mean.

Mr Frictionless said...

The fact that you have been so kind about our music and the fact that you find it pleasing and entertaining gives me the fucking horn.

Being bigger as two than four also gives me the fucking horn.

Ardbeg D-H said...

My juices are whetted... (By Satori whateverhe'scalledtoday Pod's comments, not by you having the horn twice).