Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Please check your chin before initiating the clinch.

It is done! Hooray! It sounds pretty damn good as well. Have a listen on www.myspace.com/frictionlessman. Thank you to the Satori mobility drone (taxi class) for getting us there and back. And thank you for the review. I agree completely.

It will be on the website soon as well, in case any of you have an aversion to myspace. We will hopefully get some more music on there when we get the whole home recording thing sorted out, which should not be to long.

We had a great day at Sonic One with Tim. The whole process was really simple and apart from an inabilty to count to three that afflicted me for about half an hour, all the parts went off without a hitch. When we have the cash to do this again I think we'll be going back. Thanks Tim. And thanks to Mark for sorting the whole thing out.

Now we need to play this stuff at some people in the flesh. They'll enjoy that I am sure.


Ardbeg D-H said...

The big news is THE SONGS ARE GOOD. I was really pleased to hear just how good they are. I haven't enjoyed a new bit of music so much since the last time I enjoyed a new bit of music as much as I enjoyed this new bit of music. Well done!

"A triumph" - The New York Times.

(Unfortunately I think they were talking about 'Broadway Danny Rose' by Woody Allen when they said that, but it's the thought that counts, and I thought both 'Night' and 'Car Crash' were very good. Not what I was expecting, perhaps but then... I don't know what I was expecting really).

The vocals are, as Satori sycophanticreviewpod said yesterday, extremely assured and the various instruments are played with aplomb (you wisely avoided the easy error of playing them with a plum which tends to have a whole other, less satisfying, set of results).

Mr Frictionless said...

Car Crash is the new one played as a duo and Night is from when there were four of us, in case you were confused. Glad you liked them.

Ardbeg D-H said...

Thanks for clarifying.