Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Friday, June 02, 2006

We keep the crunchy stuff in the lav. It’s lovely and ripe.

The sky is bloooooo. The flowers on the way to work smelled delicious, there were little song thrushes and bullfinches singing in the hedgerows and there was even a cooling breeze to cap it all off. The weatherman says it will last all weekend as well. If I had a kite I’d say let’s go fly it just like in Mary Poppins. But don’t invite Dick van Dyke; he’ll whine until he can have a go then fly it into a tree. And if you say anything about it he’ll set his son on you, who can be very rough.

We’re off to Denmark in July, for Monica’s sister’s wedding. Monica decided that she is going to teach me the Danish phrase for “I can’t speak Danish” which will come in very handy. Last time I was there I was given a learn Danish CD-Rom, which I have been a little nervous about looking at. They always have a smiling helpful looking person on the cover with an encouraging look on their face, as much to say “come on, give it a go. It will be easy!” But I can’t believe them, mainly because they are just a picture on the front of a CD-Rom case and consequently put there by someone to make me think what they want me to think, which I would be happy to do, but I can’t because of this contrary nature I have. Which I don’t have. Which I do. Which I don’t.

It would be nice to be able to at least ask someone to pass a butter knife, or enquire as to someone’s hat size, or verify that I to can see the approaching ghost ship, or to be able to say to a Danish policeman that it is a fair cop, but society is to blame. It would be nice to be able to say something other than butterfly and ashtray and sorry. You might think that you can get by with butterfly, ashtray and sorry but you really can’t. Especially if you are trying to buy some hi-fi equipment, something from Bang & Olufson for instance.

“How may I help you”


“Would you like that in chrome or black”


“And would you like us to install it when we deliver it?”


“Thank you very much.”

Not the way things will be, I would wager.

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