Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Oh, it was sorrel.

Long weekend for me, which was well spent. Saul arrived first on Thursday, on his way to the beach where he intended to camp for the weekend with a load of other outdoor types. But, as he had no tent as yet, he had to make do with bricks and mortar for one night before he could go and commune with nature. I’m not sure how it went, it was very windy and he was going kite surfing. Maybe he’s in Brazil by now.

Rhysaurus came over for feeding and boozing on Friday which got the weekend off to a swinging start. He is off to London in a couple of weeks to be interviewed by Radio 2. Apparently he’s a writer or something….

Saturday was spent in eager anticipation of Morriston Burns letting us know whether he was in town or not, but the phone never rang, so we stayed in. Maybe he was abducted by aliens out in mid-Wales and was having such a good time he decided to stay. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Finally on Sunday Ollie and Jo came over and we ate and drank and listened to the Radio. We had three of our songs played: Hotel whose name I forget, Lay it Down and Substance, after which came my interview. I was quite nervous at the time, since it is the first interview I’ve ever done and despite there being a few umms and ahhs there were no more than someone like Billy Connelly would make. But I didn’t speak in a deranged Scottish accent about scratching my arse with celery so the similarities break down just about there.

So all was happiness and peace in the Frictionless Man household. Long may it be so.


Lee Relfe said...

I'm very sorry, I had one of those 'lost weekends', you know the sort David Bowie had with John Lennon, only mine only lasted for an actual weekend and didn't involve cocaine or any rock stars (apart from myself of course!)

Lee Relfe said...

By the way, I heard you on the radio, well done, you sounded just like someone on the radio....

Mr Frictionless said...

No, you're too kind. Please don't. Really. Don't. Please. Don't. Please, really, please, don't.

When is Leelapollooza then?

Lee Relfe said...

I'm still not sure, but 'porky' is looking very plump now, and is getting on my nerves so it shouldn't be too long. Some time in July. When are you going to Daneland? I'll have to make sure it doesn't clash.