Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tony Benn says “Bibitty Bobbity Hat”

King of Despair were great on Friday night. Their bass player Darren has left the band and headed off to sleepy London village, good luck to him, so Dai had to play bass. He did a bloody good job as well. They played with a lot of energy and sounded a lot more rock than usual, which was no bad thing.

Rhys and I had a very good time and we met someone who was interested in sandwiches. I suggested that tartar sauce could go very well with cold roast beef, which sounds like madness but I am sure it would work. Tartar sauce is a great sauce and underused in my opinion.

The weekend though was very long and left a grey taste in the mouth. We did finally make some music, and I almost managed to communicate my thoughts to Rhys regarding the piece we were working on. I found it quite difficult but Rhys understood despite the words and hand gestures I was using, so all is well.

Going to the gig on Friday served to make me even more impatient to do one myself. This break has really been far too long. Making music is the only thing that I feel competent doing and the only thing which I really feel proud of so these months of not doing much of it were a nice rest initially, but now I am getting very impatient. Monica has suggested that we add a cover of Bowie’s Ashes to Ashes to our set, and I think it is a great idea. We have a lot to work on when we both get back from Denmark.


Objectintherearviewmirror said...

cumpli años á tu

Anonymous said...

Fair play to himher/it, but s/he's always first on the board. s/He's a dedicated little tit mouse you gotta give him/her/it that

Mr Frictionless said...

This is true Moosey old chum, but he/she/it is rude and annoying and shows no sign of packing it in and fucking off.

He/she/it has not even acknowledged the fact that he/she/it might be causing some offence and is making this blog a real chore rather than the joy it once was.

But what does that matter? Hell, doing this blog was only something that I was enjoying so I suppose it is more than fair that someone should come along and spoil it. What was I thinking?

Lee Relfe said...

The thing is, we all know each other on this blog; everyone has their amusing code names but we know who they are, so if we offend each other we are ultimately accountable in person. I wonder if this person has the balls to reveal their identity?

Rhys Hughes said...

If you have any balls.
They might just be a prick, a prick on its own, without balls.
Like a jelly eunuch.

Rhys Hughes said...

If *they* have any balls... That's what I planned to say.
But I cocked it up.

Anonymous said...

accountbility is an outmoded concept when you can blaim it on terrorism.

Mr Frictionless said...

Are you say this is the work of Tearrrowrists? We will not stand by idly and allow the spread of Tearerer!

Lee Relfe said...

Fuck tereriorists! Fuck them in the ear!

Objectintherearviewmirror said...

My how touchy you all are. How can you have a blog and keep it to yourselves. WWW means just that. I can´t recall being offensive to any of you even though I don´t understand half of what you are all talking about. Yes, I do have balls and have fruit of my loins to prove that they are not made of jelly. Well they weren´t this morning anyway! I think you all need to lighten up and be pleased to know that someone may be interested in your nonsensical chit chat. I may be even closer than you think.

Mr Frictionless said...

Behave and be nice and change your user name to something which is not related to the band please.

"Frictionless Man Snr" was something of an affront for the reasons which I stated earlier.
Futhermore the username of "Don Frictionless" when used in this context suggests that you are in someway affiliated with the band "Frictionless Man", the website "www.frictionlessman.co.uk"or indeed this very blog and its author. This, of course, is not the case since it is an organisation which consists of two people assisted by our good friend Mark Overy in the capacity of webmaster.

It would be good if you would simply apologise rather than accuse me and the other people who post comments on this blog of being overly sensitive. I expect to see said apology under a different, inoffensive user name. I shall be moderating all further posts under the name "Don Frictionless" or "Frictionless Man Snr" or anything else which I deem to be unacceptable.

Ardbeg D-H said...

There are plenty of other Dons you could be if you wanted to perloin a nom de plume... You could be Don Giovanni, Don Quayle, Don Duck, or even Don' Do it Mon; Don' Jump Off De Buildin'...

Anonymous said...

Your combined eloquence (frictionlessman and boozey Hughes)has managed to distract the matter to which I had been slowly steering this fledging group. I had envisaged an elite cadre of dead poet society muso's hunting through the jungles of afghanistan meting out swift justice to the evil ones that dubbya has commanded us to fight, but alas God's work will have to wait for another brighter day.

Ardbeg D-H said...

Why you manipulative wee swine Mr Moose. I don't see myself as a guerilla. Make peace, not war (man).

In fact. Fuck that. Make tea. It's easier and it tastes better.

Earl Grey, please. (Hot, obviously).

Anonymous said...

Now I thought that the point of this blog was that occasionally we should comment on the current post as set by Mr F. Personally, I can't get much mileage out of a new pair of shoes HA HA HA HA HAAA! No, but seriously I think the only problem with Don is that it sets its own agenda a tad too much and pretends to be related closely to the band. It could be Frickman's mum but I doubt it.

But it's an interesting point, once we put stuff out there, whether it is a song, a blog or a hat, then we have to take the post-modernists stance of accepting whatever slings/arrows/human skulls/pieces of machinery/things like that (spot the reference Morriston) that Joe Public may throw our way.

Can one set too much of an agenda? Is anything truly ours when we freely give it away?

I think Don should be encouraged and nurtured.

Mr Frictionless said...

But it is so creepy. He's "closer than you think" which is stalker talk!

I've made my requirements quite clear and let us have no more of this.

Anonymous said...

Stalker Talk were big in Australia in the eighties, they had a hit with "The Price of Minge".

Yeah, you are right, when people do the "I'm behind you" kind of shit then they are obviously not worth encouraging.

I forgot it said that, weird and creepy.

Lee Relfe said...

'Ricochet'-do I get a prize, or at least an answer to my phone calls?

Rhys Hughes said...

The Anthony Lewis (singer and cartoonist) has raised an interesting point. Let's sort this matter out once and for all...

(1) Everyone has the right to post any statement they like on their own blog,
(2) Anyone at all has the right to leave any comment about that statement,
(3) Any blogger has the right to challenge and combat the leaver of the comment in any way.

OK, so we're all free. Does that makes us feel any better?

Rousseau, my arse!

Anonymous said...

Price of minge? I think I remember the chorus for that, didn't the 7ft tall frontman (warra bigwon) screech: 'it don't matter what she's got, wherever you stick your cock, prepare to insert your wallet' (pronounced in his antipoledian growl 'whul hut').

Ardbeg D-H said...

No. No he didn't. That was in the follow up single "The Cost of Beaver"... or maybe it was from the title track of the album "Money Box"?

Ha Ha.

Objectintherearviewmirror said...

Has anyone bothered to read what the first comment is? I look forward to reading the comment from the first person who has.

Mr Frictionless said...

That is your last one buddy boy. Moderated comments from here on in. I told you and you have ignored me.

I do not think we know each other well enough for you to be using "tu" either.

Anonymous said...

no, he's a vous if ever there was one. Still though Mr frictionless do you feel comfortable with censorship? Surely we can just persuade him?

Mr Frictionless said...

I would not class it as censorship, if he simply does what I asked he can comment like anyone else. But he has not complied so he can't. I think that is perfectly fair.

The problem is that if this person is who I think it is there is absolutely no reasoning with him. If he is who I think he is he is a professionally trained and hardened manipulator of people and a stubborn son of a bitch to boot.

I might be wrong though.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're giving him airs he don't deserve, but it sounds like you have insight i'm lacking.

Good logic though 'if people would only write what I wanted them to there'd be no need for censorship.' Devisive

Mr Frictionless said...

Damn right!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a KGB operative! Is it the nasal chainsaw mental toddler? You know, he used to play in your band.

I have to agree with the Loose Moose - please don't moderate too much. No matter how rude, pretentious and annoying Don Dickhead may be, you can't reason with a void. In the current political/cultural climate I would be wary of any kind of censorship. I understand your reasons but, God, man, principles are at stake here!!

I'm glad the Loose Moose knows so much about music, however (and most people get this wrong) Warra Bigwon didn't sing on "The Price of Minge"; it featured a guest vocal from Phil Collins. Warra joined the band in 1985 but "Minge" was released in 1982. Stalker Talk's previous vocalist, Juventus Chadchad, was injured in the arsehole in 1981 and retired from music in 1984. "The Price of Minge" was described in the Auckland Argus as "a bit like the Holocaust" whilst the Sydney Herald mentioned "endless rows of emaciated bodies covered in quicklime, SS guards standing by the side of the pit, some laughing, others posing for photographs as if it were a day's outing". The single reached number 5 in the Australian charts and 32 in the US Billboard 100.

Mr Frictionless said...

Ok, if you two don't want it then I won't do it. I don't want it either so I suppose we're all happy now.

Anonymous said...

Hooray !! Frictionless Man is a just and worthy leader !! Good decision. Best you've made all day I'll wager?

Mr Frictionless said...

I don't know about it being the best decision I have made today, I am wearing a rather splendid pair of purple nylon and spandex weave slacks after all.

Ardbeg D-H said...

Clothes you would never be able to wear if there was any danger of censorship from the fashion police.

Karma, dude.

Anonymous said...

All hail our wise and benevolent leader. Inthralled.

You are of course right Lewis, a little bit of an overight on my part. However, can you name follow up single of the band that held the number 1 spot in Australia at the same time? I'll give you a clue, the number one at the time was by 'Kill He Mic Nose' with 'I should be so grubby'.

Rhys Hughes said...


How would Inspector Morse call for Anthony if he was in a different room?

I'm dying to know!

Ardbeg D-H said...

I like the cut of your jib Mr Rhysaurus, I really do...

Mr Frictionless said...

Maybe he would knock on the wall with the wooden leg he didn't have.

Booze, one more "dude" and your barred! For at least an hour!

Ardbeg D-H said...

I was being ironic, dude!!!

Objectintherearviewmirror said...

At least reason prevails. All I did was wish the Frictionless Man a Happy Birthday! If he finds that offensive then that´s not my fault. The Frictionless Man took offence at my legitimate claim to the title Mr. Frictionless Snr. so I adopted Don Frictionless. When referred to being ¨close¨ that was not in geographical terms but in genealogical terms. My comments might have been offensive to the blogger but desperate times call for desperate measures. Not wishing to draw comparisons with the notorious ¨Big Brother¨ but this edition of the Frictionless Man blog has certainly generated some comments. I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the KGB (honest). However if anyone wants to join me for a bit of suchi.......

Mr Frictionless said...

Oh, is it you Kevin? What a condescending little man you are. Reason has prevailed because you can continue to bother me despite my very clear desire for to leave me the hell alone?

Right. Blog's going off. It's been fun.