Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bidet! Bidet don’t forget my numbness.

The thing about stereotypes is that whilst some wise old soul will tell you that they don’t exist they actually do. And yesterday I had the dubious pleasure of two of them.

First came White Van Man, in his dirty white Astra van with his funny looking inbred passenger who probably had a name like “Spider” or “Troy”, giving Monica nice invasive “alright darling” and a good leer as he went past, complete with a bit more letching in his wing mirrors. Well done him. Good to see that British Males are reconstructing their behaviour in such a way as to make life peaceful and pleasant for all of us and help eliminate the deeply ingrained sexism and inequality in our society. Hope he gets eaten by pigs.

Second was a snot nosed little teenager surrounded by a pack of similar yoofs in their lovely synthetic sports wear throwing his half empty Coke can on the ground right in front of us as we walked down the street, before starting to push some other piece of shite that passes for nutrition into his spotty gob and constructing a sentence that consisted mainly of “fucking” “fuck”. Go kids! You are our future!

So it was quite nice to get in the front door and have a cup of tea.

Changing tack from the depressing vignettes available on the streets of Swansea to matters of a pleasing nature we met Pete the other day whilst he was doing his stint in the Sainsburys service station. Monica tells me that when I say service station I sound a little too grown up.

“I am going to the service station. For some service.”

Pete had good news; he has entered into an amorous relationship with a young lady. The salmon are leaping and spring has sprung. He had marked the special nature of their meeting by being violently sick in her bed. Good man, like his style. Hopefully they’re coming over for dinner on Friday; I’ll pop a bucket out for him just in case he starts nodding off. I wouldn’t mention it, but he did bring it up. Ahem.

Gig tomorrow night and we have nearly got the song right! Nearly. I will sacrifice a guitar string to the God of Jazz in order for it to go smoothly and musically, even if there are some “unplanned” moments in it. The song is called “Any/All/Some” and will be number 4 in the set. It is about unwanted visitors and intruders of all sorts and is especially for Jo and Ollie.

I’m going to have a cup of tea. I paid for it, so I might have two.

Apparently it was ITV who were showing all the Matrix films, not Channel 5. We have to watch the third one tonight. Cripes.


Ardbeg D-H said...

Good luck for the gig tonight. Hope you're not too tired to play after watching Revolutions last night (great effects but not a patch on the first film in my opinion).

Anonymous said...

It could've been the trilogy to end all trilogies, but alas they went from sci-fi pseudo noir to summer blockbuster action film. I feel more betrayed than Julius, et tu wachoiski's? The hell with popular culture, i'm going to mire myself in rebelious unpopular culture and leave society in the pool of white van man tosh it has chosen to marinate in.

Anonymous said...

incidently it's not all bad: http://www.demeterfragrance.com/product.aspx?t=f&id=1025

Lee Relfe said...

I just don't know what people were expecting from the Matrix, but all the things that happened in the sequels were exactly what should have happened according to the story laid down in the first film. I happen to like the fact that all three films had a completely different feel to them. They were sci-fi action films right from start to finish, nothing more nothing less. I wasn't expecting 2001: A Space Odyssey, so I wasn't disappointed.

Mr Frictionless said...

I was expecting "Hal versus the Kung Fu Cannibals from Uranus", but that was my own fault. No, it was.

In the end we didn't see any of them so Monica will have to keep wondering what we're all talking about.