Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Louis, always got a cold, has a runny nose don't he know it

Rhys Hughes is public speaking king. 100% of FACT and don’t let him tell you otherwise. We had a great time on Friday, and managed to put in a none too shoddy performance ourselves. I was full of honey and lemon and paracetamol because of a stinking cold and sore throat, but a good dose of red wine on top of the other remedies sorted me out a treat. We even got a couple of ladies up and dancing like loons by the end.

Rhys and I will have to finalise our plans to do a spoken word / ambient music / Powerpoint combined affair soon; we’re both pretty confident that it would be an interesting project. Watch this space. And someone nag Anthony for his cartoons.

Unfortunately that was the last gig that I have booked for the year, but there are some things we are looking to do. There is a new open mic night on Wine Street on a Sunday which is offering residency spots for good acts, so that will be worth looking into. I also hit upon a way to get our home recording shenanigans off the ground, although it may fail spectacularly and blow up our new computer. We shall see.

At least there is a way forward. It would be very frustrating to think that we had no gigs and no way to record any new music. Considering the amount of places we can stick stuff on the web we should be taking advantage of it. Depending on how things go I would like to be offering downloadable albums for sale in the near future, which of course requires us getting the hang of all the technology. I would like to be prolific, but I always resist the urge because I can’t do anything with all the stuff that I have written. Now maybe that will be different.


Ardbeg D-H said...

I love the idea of actively fighting the urge to be prolific. I think I should use that sort of excuse in my daily dealings with the world.

"Get out of bed and go to work, you lazy twat!"

"I'm not lazy; I'm fighting the urge to be vertical"

"You forgot to buy milk again you knobhead"

"I didn't forget; I'm just fighting the urge to remember and also the urge to drink tea".

"Is that it? Bloody Hell, I blinked and missed it!"

"I'm just fighting the urge to fight the urge to come violently"

Erm... Maybe not the last one.

Mr Frictionless said...

It's true I tells ya! I hate having songs done and ready to play but not having any reason to play them because there are already plenty enough thank you very much. It's like cooking too many sausage rolls (if there is such a thing as too many sausage rolls) and not being able to eat every last one of them.

Lee Relfe said...

This may surprise you, but I think that there can NEVER be too many sausage rolls. If you run out of space in your stomach, you can keep the rest in your cheeks for later. Not such a good idea though if you're being tried for murder and you're about to testify.

Mr Frictionless said...

Not suprised in the slightest, I know you share my views on meat and pastry combinations.

I don't think there is a jury in the land who would condemn someone whose cheeks were stuffed with sausage rolls. And if there is, the law is an ass. AN ASS!

Ardbeg D-H said...

If they do convict you at least you'll go to the gallows with the comforting knowledge that you sprayed the prosecution with semi-masticated pig innards and pastry every time you answered one of his inane questions.

Personally I think that thought would put a cheery spring in my step as I mounted the platform preparatory to doing the dangle-dance at the end of a rope.