Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I’ll a priori your a posteriori so hard it’ll synthesise your grandma’s analyticals.

Praise be! The swannickles are clear. I feel invigorated and cheery. No more Monday morning blues for this biscuit tin, knobs to the miseries! We had a good weekend, Rhys came over last night and we ate curry, drank beer and played mah-jong until midnight had been and gone. Learning the rules was a hoot, the booklet was pleasingly cryptic about what should be going on but we got somewhere with them and produced a few enjoyable games which were probably an affront to any on-looking Mah Jong deities. By the end of the evening we were saying things like “you can quong a concealed pung from the wall” or “a pung of your own Wind gives you double”. I also claimed that baby fish eat bees, but that was quite unrelated.

The curry, for Mr Burns’ benefit, was along the same lines as the “Greatest Vegetable Curry Ever Known” but with the addition of a small pot of double cream. It was looking a bit healthy so I took matters in hand.


I’m getting progressively more excited about the impending purchase of recording gubbins. There are all sorts of things that we will be able to do once we start acquiring the gear, the most important one for me is to make a “proper record”. I was thinking about it in the bath yesterday and I realised that I wanted to make an album that hangs together perfectly, where the songs all resonate together and the tracks could not run in any other order and each song is as important as the others. I want to create a selection of songs that have a beginning, middle and end and that rewards sitting down and listening to it from one end to the other. I want to make music for listening to.

Having that to work on over the course of a year will be a really fulfilling project I think, mixing it with other stuff like EPs and maybe more talking books. I think that maybe, just maybe, that thing I have wanted to happen all these years may be about to start beginning to start to happen; I will be busy making music. Ooooh, it feels kind of tingly.


Anonymous said...

I thought mah jong was just domino's with colours?

Mr Frictionless said...

It's more like Rummy with Lego.

Anonymous said...

I like the sound of that. I love both lego and rummy.

Lee Relfe said...

I like rummy too. I also like ginny, scotchy and winey.

Mr Frictionless said...

They were the best Dwarves.

Ardbeg D-H said...

Mustn't hurt so much to fall over when you're that close to the ground anyway!