Yes, it is a new colour. I though it would be nice to take advantage of the blog’s new features and do a spring clean. I rubbed away at that blue stuff until it was nice and clean. It smells of lemons if you sniff the screen quite hard.
I have been having a series of thoughts this morning about all the web stuff that we have generated and how they are not all linked up too well. Now that our website is looking new and shiny I thought it was time to get it placed more centrally in our “interweb strategenoid”. This means that the website will be the place to get the majority of things we produce, this blog will be syndicated there for example. It will also offer some free downloads and some which you can buy.
You’ll be able to buy individual songs, “EP” bundles of songs at a discounted price to that which you would pay when buying them one at a time and “LP” bundles with a further discount. I have plans for other things as well, although Mark has to tell me if they are possible before I start shooting my mouth off. But I want to tell you so much it is HURTING.
We will also be producing actual real solid records which you will be able to order and pay for via the website and at gigs. I can’t tell you when all this stuff will be ready, but I will. Hopefully we will be able to do a big splash of stuff in one go and then keep adding to it as we go.
Jack Straw’s comments are still rumbling on. It occurred to me yesterday whilst I was in the supermarket that it was not so long ago in this country that it was considered the height of bad manners for a lady not to wear a hat. Or show her ankles. Or am I imagining that? In the end it all comes down to hats. On the one hand you can wear a wide variety of head gear in this country and hat liberty is one of the cornerstones of modern Britain. On the other hand people are allowed to dislike the hat you wear and tell you about it. You should not go around knocking people’s hats off though. I think that’s pretty low, but to be expected from the class of scum we get in our green and pleasant land.
We all invest our hats with significance and mythology to different degrees and hats can tell us a lot about a person. A hat speaks volumes. Maybe, for the greater good, we should all try to walk a few miles in another person’s hat before we start to criticise hat wearing and the people who wear them. Sometimes amidst the cacophony of news noise it is easy to forget that hats invariably have a person wearing them and a person is not a hat, no matter how much they may wear one.
Popular reason for wearing hats:
There are many more, maybe even twelve more, reasons to wear hats. Why not visit your local library and find out more about hats of the world and the roles they play in causing conflict, healing cultural rifts and keeping The Man from recording your brain waves for sale to Conspiratorial Powers!
I have been having a series of thoughts this morning about all the web stuff that we have generated and how they are not all linked up too well. Now that our website is looking new and shiny I thought it was time to get it placed more centrally in our “interweb strategenoid”. This means that the website will be the place to get the majority of things we produce, this blog will be syndicated there for example. It will also offer some free downloads and some which you can buy.
You’ll be able to buy individual songs, “EP” bundles of songs at a discounted price to that which you would pay when buying them one at a time and “LP” bundles with a further discount. I have plans for other things as well, although Mark has to tell me if they are possible before I start shooting my mouth off. But I want to tell you so much it is HURTING.
We will also be producing actual real solid records which you will be able to order and pay for via the website and at gigs. I can’t tell you when all this stuff will be ready, but I will. Hopefully we will be able to do a big splash of stuff in one go and then keep adding to it as we go.
Jack Straw’s comments are still rumbling on. It occurred to me yesterday whilst I was in the supermarket that it was not so long ago in this country that it was considered the height of bad manners for a lady not to wear a hat. Or show her ankles. Or am I imagining that? In the end it all comes down to hats. On the one hand you can wear a wide variety of head gear in this country and hat liberty is one of the cornerstones of modern Britain. On the other hand people are allowed to dislike the hat you wear and tell you about it. You should not go around knocking people’s hats off though. I think that’s pretty low, but to be expected from the class of scum we get in our green and pleasant land.
We all invest our hats with significance and mythology to different degrees and hats can tell us a lot about a person. A hat speaks volumes. Maybe, for the greater good, we should all try to walk a few miles in another person’s hat before we start to criticise hat wearing and the people who wear them. Sometimes amidst the cacophony of news noise it is easy to forget that hats invariably have a person wearing them and a person is not a hat, no matter how much they may wear one.
Popular reason for wearing hats:
- To keep the sun off the head when standing at Deep Extra Cover for long periods of time.
- To prevent the spread of brains across tarmac when racing for the winning line after a days slog through the Pyrenees and someone decides to knock your back wheel from under you, denying you the chance to claim the Yellow Jersey.
- Interfering with UFO mind control devices.
- Diverting attention from a lack of chin.
- To hide your ham and mustard sandwiches under.
- Because God told me to.
- Because God told me not to.
- Because there is no God.
- Confusing chaffinches and moorhens.
There are many more, maybe even twelve more, reasons to wear hats. Why not visit your local library and find out more about hats of the world and the roles they play in causing conflict, healing cultural rifts and keeping The Man from recording your brain waves for sale to Conspiratorial Powers!
I like the new look, both for the blog and the website. Can I ask though that you remove the 'billy's day' link. I don't intend to ever update it ever again and now firmly reside in myspace. Also can you give us plenty of warning before your next swansea based gig, cos i miss you guys and wanna see you again, both on and off the stage if at al possible
Billy is gooooooooooooooone. I thought of that as I was redoing the link, I thunked to myself "what are the chances of him putting a post on there so that it can be misconstrued and cause him several yards of grief." So off it came.
Don't know when our next gig is. But I will let you know. We miss you too.
Well er-umm. I´ll eat my bloody hat! Much better presentation especially fer t´long dark nights that are on the way fer ´em in´t northern hemisphere. Love to get to one of yer gigs when I get back from t´outback - if yer know what I mean. Yer´ll recognise me ´cos I´ll be t´one with a ham and mustard sarnie on me ´ead.
No sorry- like the new setup but it didn´t do a thing for my gin despite putting my glass right up to the screen.
Limes are better in gin. 100% of fact.
MMMMMMMMMMMM. will have to think about that one.......´So I sat back on the terrace at Raffles and sipped my G & L ?´ . No doesn´t sound right. Yes I know Raffles= Singapoe Slings but they come in a plastic 5 gallon jar these days. Wouldn´t have happened in the days of you know what.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. You put the lime in your G&T. Happiness is sure to follow.
Just went to the Raffles website to see how the other half live. Think I will need a bigger piggy bank.
Believe you me Mr.F. not all that glitters is you know what. All the ´glam.´disappeared when I saw a barman decanting a large plastic bottle of the famous Singapore Sling like it was some glorified, very expensive, bloody Slush Puppy. Keep it in the piggy mate. Sorry to disappoint you but it doesn´t smell like lime either unless you are including those small plastic lemon/lime lookalikes that appear on the shelves of Jamie Oliver´s favourite shop.
If you have a dog and want to surprise him you can give him one of those plastic lemons as a chew toy. Being familiar with bits of squidgy plastic as 'things to chew upon' he will get to work with enthusiasm and gusto. Then the plastic thingy will burst and there will be a yelp of surprise followed by a comedy look of stunned amazement at the toy that bites back (and then of course the inevitable trip to the vets and the visit from the RSPCA and being banned from ever owning a pet again etc).
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