Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Sandra crashed the car through jealousy, for Emma had a mountain of porn.

We met Terry Clarke yesterday, nice fellow and musician, when we went round to baby-sit Morgan. He and Huw had been rehearsing for a gig which they were playing that night in the Dylan Thomas Centre. It made me want to get out and make some music because when he asked us whether we were musicians it felt strange to say “yes, we’re a band” but have no gigs to tell him about. It’s been ages now and it will be a struggle to get started again the longer we leave it. New songs are piling up with nowhere to go.

I plan to get hold of a copy of Reason soon, which, I believe, is the program that Satori’s Steve Gane uses to write some of his tunes. It is a quite innovative synthesiser and sequencer programme which I can hopefully use to get some interesting tracks prepared for when we get the recording equipment. It will give me something to do over Christmas and New Year since Monica is going back to Denmark and I will be working. I’m looking forward to my stint as a hermit; I’ve grown weary of enforced festivity, it has a detrimental effect on my mood I think. Last year’s Danish Christmas was good because it was so different, so I don’t want to rub the sheen off it by getting used to it. If I had my way we would preserve the thrill of the new by randomly determining the date of all major festivals using a system of pulleys, eels, pumice and Deadly Nightshade. I’ve done some preparatory sketches, but I still have to source the eels and pumice.

Food news: a couple of days ago I made a Danish dish which, when translated, goes by the name of Fake Hare. Or False Hair if you are me. It consist of minced beef and pork and some other bits an pieces being wrapped in bacon and baked in a shallow bath of milk and water. It was really quite nice, although following the recipe strictly left it a little bland for me. A little extra flavour will be finding its way into this dish next time. We could not eat the whole thing in one go so it has been contributing to some tasty sandwiches since then, and very nice they are too.

When completed it made a very attractive dish and reminded me of the time I did another dish involving some meat wrapped in bacon. That nice Anthony Lewis Ba (hons) called me a twat and a fool for making it when I mentioned it in a band practice later that day. To this day I can’t fathom what his objection was, but I think it must have been serious. Not that it deterred me for more than a couple of years. Given that I’ve now revealed my new meat wrapping endeavours to the world I hope that no one will be too savage with me or it might be a while before I can muster the courage to do it again. And it looked like such clever food as well.


Lee Relfe said...

I for one support your right to wrap things in bacon; remember that meal we made with the sausage meat wrapped in bacon and the gravy that I said tasted like God's sweat? Aaaaaaaaa!

Mr Frictionless said...

Oh yes! That was onehelluvamealgoddamnit! That gravy was almost too good, wasn't it?

Ardbeg D-H said...

You've painted a word with pictures. I can almost taste it. Drool. Salivate. Homer noises.

Rhys Hughes said...

Terry Clarke? He's the guy with the extremely good looking young girlfriend, Kate.

That's what differentiates him from most other musicians in Swansea.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I remember lots of meals. However why should one want to wrap the noble sausage in bacon? I bet it was Danish at that. Still I suppose there are sausages and sausages. Were they those juicy succulent ones that purport to come from the near the Lake District or some bread laden laminated product from the lowers shelves of some supermarket?

Anonymous said...

sentient food!? You bloody well better hope you don't cook it again! What if it decides it doesn't want to be eaten and it instead wishes to eat you? When will mankind learn to not tinker with the laws of nature. Clever food is the last thing we want! Ever. I can think of no good reason why a meals IQ should be higher than 0.

Mr Frictionless said...

They were a medium quality supermarket sausage as I recall. We removed the skin from them and made jolly little parcels.

Sentient food may not float everyone's boat but I like the taste of terror on account of my incalculably vicious nature. It's the presentient food that you've got to worry about. Then again, it may be too late already.

Lee Relfe said...

*sigh* Oh well Mr Fric, maybe we should stop trying to invent new things and just eat what everyone else eats eh?

Mr Frictionless said...

Don't cave in old boy! Even when they make us wear a jam smeared prawn in a tub of blancmange and ship us off to giant gas ovens to roast us at Gas Mark 5, don't let them win! Fuck the Man! Fuck him in the ear!

Lee Relfe said...

Or better still, gouge out his eyes with a hot poker and skull-fuck him!...whoever he is.

Anonymous said...

I'm the man and I'm actually pooing myself with fear.

Ardbeg D-H said...

I'm not the man, but I am also pooing myself with fear (or is it just to feel the warm sensation of nature's cushion as it envelopes my buttocks?)