Exploits of the Frictionless Man as it wanders around the world like some kind of slippery hydra. Music, words and pictures a speciality.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hefty Swine Blap: the organiser's relish.

What day is it? It is Frugtag? Maybe Shimblap? It has all whirled away like a spinning top on a Frisbee. What has happened in the meantime? Wellity….

Went to see Satori on Thursday and they were very good and Anthony was drunk and couldn’t find his microphone stand after the gig. Yay Satori. Rhys and I went to Neil’s birthday at Neil and Kate’s house on Friday, had a lovely time and got pleasantly smashed and decided to walk the many miles back home, arriving at four o’clock in the morning. Yay Neil and Kate. Saturday was spent mainly sitting down with some tea. Sunday was spent mostly lying down with some snooker on. Rhys wrote a story in the practice room. I made a pot of coffee yesterday. Monica has been talking about the morality of lying to murderers when they are at the front door. I even heard her muttering something about murder in the kitchen yesterday when she thought she was all by herself. Chilling…

Other stuff has been going on. Cakes have begun appearing in abundance at work and the office has a plastic Christmas tree in the corner. Some people had tinsel on their computer monitors. I have been given none. I am obviously not favoured by the admin fascists. Fascists.

Voices from the past, wooooooo.

Sometimes hearing from people who you have not heard from in ages is pleasant, other times it is not. I like hearing from friends who, for no real reason, have drifted away through the natural erosion of communication. Since communication is so simple these days there is really no reason why people should not stay in contact more, barring a lack of anything to say. On the other hand, being contacted by people who you have specifically decided not to communicate with is a pain, especially when you have stated in clear and considered fashion that that is the case. What is more unpleasant is said person trying to persuade you to change your mind, as if it was just an oversight or lapse in concentration. It disregards personal mental activity on your part, ignores any decisions you might have come to yourself, for the sake of satisfying someone else’s needs. I find it invasive and arrogant. Specifically when it works along the lines of:

“I don’t want to have any form of communication with you. This is my well considered decision. Challenge this decision and you insult my ability to think rationally.”

“Oh come on…”

“You, sir, have insulted my rationality! I challenge you to a duel! Pistols at dawn.”

I see where I have gone wrong. I must dust down my pearl handled duelling pistols.


Rhys Hughes said...

I tried to use the following website to work out the distance between Neil and Kate's house and your own:


But it got confused and went into a frenzy -- just like a man who has snorted cocaine!

Mr Frictionless said...

I seem to recall that the Frenzied City Distance Tool was a dance craze that swept Belgium in August of 1956. Superceded by the Brassy Stuffy Wack Grasp, which was considered less costly yet more deviant.

Anonymous said...

What? Augusto Pinochet had the audacity and arrogance to contact you after so many years and now that he is dead he assumed that you might have something to say to him. How typically dictatorial. Good for you Mr.Frictionless I bet you told him where to go
(hopefully not Chile or 27, Mincing Walk, East Cheam.)